Books for Inspiration

Tales 2 Inspire ~ Emerald Collection

Beyond Coincidence


A Profile of Courage

by Tina Chippas

During a trip through Germany I discovered a hero in my own family, a discovery I recount in A Profile in Courage. I had known little about my grandfather, a Greek-Orthodox priest, until forty years after his death when, on a tour of a German cemetery, I met a man whose parents had been saved by a Greek-Orthodox priest during the Resistance.  I was struck by a premonition that this priest was my grandfather—and, indeed, it was. 

Read Intro to this inspiring story

The Voice

BY Stan Cupery M.D.

The Voice is the story of a desperate situation with a miraculous conclusion. The main subject (now deceased) is a family physician who is confronted with an emergency far beyond his capacity to treat. He calls for help and receives it from a surprising source. This prompts him to establish a cancer support group before he succumbs to his own cancer.    Listen to Stan’s interview.

Read intro to this inspiring story.

Garden of Miracles

by Heidi DuPree

Garden of Miracles is the story of how a prayer brought miracles to two different families whose lives briefly intersected in one magical garden. When we pray for a miracle, we never know how it will unfold, or whose lives will be touched – human… or animal.

Read intro to Heidi’s inspiring story.

Listen to Heidi’s interview.

Unlikely Connections

by Anne Knorr

With an open heart and a desire to make a difference in a child’s life, the Dohrmann family welcomes four Ethiopian girls into their lives and home. Unlikely Connections is the story of their trek from Ethiopia to New Mexico, including a chance encounter while at the Denver International Airport. Read intro to this inspiring story.

The Plain Manilla Gift

by Erica Kosal Ph.D.

Upon return from maternity leave, a handwritten manila envelope stands out from all the professional mail and contains a gift far from imaginable and one that transformed at least three people’s lives. The Plain Manila Gift is the telling of this story. Listen to Erica’s interview. Read intro to this inspiring story.



Maintenance For My Soul:

The Man From Nowhere

by Cami Ann Hofstader, Ph.D.

A maintenance man seemingly appeared from nowhere after a doctor had declared that my 6-week old son was going to die. I’ll never know if he was an angel in human form, or if his appearance was just a matter of serendipity, but his message brought me comfort and hope. Read intro to this inspiring story.

Listen to Cami’s interview.




Dragonflies and the Great Blue Heron

by James Osborne

Dragonflies and the Great Blue Heron' is about one of life's greatest tragedies -- love lost prematurely -- and about the triumph of true love found again.  This deeply moving true story proves there can be a silver lining after a devastating emotional storm . . . if you believe.

Read intro to this inspiring story.

The Gift of Family

by Donna Surface

When a small boy is returned to the same orphanage for the third time, he was so traumatized the staff feared he was no longer ‘adoptable’. Then luck shone down on him when he became an official member of a musical family who helped nurture his talents and his psyche.

Read intro to this inspring story.

                                 WATCH A VIDEO OF PAT &          

                                 DONNA IN CONCERT

   Books for Inspiration

This is an “Authors Helping Authors” Project.

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to these stories on the Internet - in print or audio formats.