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inspiring Story of the Week: Setting My Life Free

Inspiring Story of the Week

Setting My Life Free

Winner #Tales2Inspire #Inspiring Story


In this inspiring story, you will discover how a dog named Maggie became not just Ellen’s best friend,

but also a part of her soul.

For many of us, our pet becomes our best friend. They love to be with us and we love to be with them.  They welcome, forgive and provide companionship. What more could one ask? But then,  add to that, when your animal is your actual lifeline. That is what Ellen’s service dog was to her.

What an inspiration!

After waiting for over eight months for her match, Maggie came into her life from NEADS. She attended two weeks of training together   with Maggie before taking her home. Then an amazing thing happened. Thanks to Maggie, Ellen experienced a miracle. Just six days after getting home with her, without any particular training for this, Maggie sensed that Ellen had stopped breathing. She jumped right onto her hospital bed to reposition her. The movement of Ellen’s body allowed the airflow to return through her bi-pap machine and her life was saved.

Ellen tells about Maggie in her #tales2Inspire story, a service dog who insires us all.

But life moves on. Despite their tremendous bond, Maggie went through the normal process of aging. When she showed confusion, acted lost, and clearly was on the last days of her life, it was time to let her have her dignity and peace she deserved. But how could Ellen let go of the service dog that was consistently helping her and saving her life?

To the very end, Maggie even resolved that problem. You’ll learn how when you read Ellen’s story.

 Setting My Life Free is now published in  Tales2Inspire ~ The Moonstone Collection – Book I

and Tales2Inspire ~The Diamond Collection – Sereis V


an inspiring story about memories of Brooklyn published in Tales2Inspire The Moonstone Collection - Book I









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