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Home » funny stories » HUMOROUS STORY OF THE WEEK – You Can’t Spell DON’T Without DO by Jamie Sadler

HUMOROUS STORY OF THE WEEK – You Can’t Spell DON’T Without DO by Jamie Sadler


You Can’t Spell DON’T Without DO

by Jamie Sadler

Jamie didn’t always listen to his parents’ advice. If you were an adventurous child you might recall a similar time. Do you remember a time when, despite your parents’ best efforts, you chose to ignore and later paid the price?

In this humorous story, Jamie meets Big trouble when he deliberately ignored his parents’ stern warning, Do NOT climb on the air raid shelter. Can you guess exactly what he did next? You guessed it, he hears their words but purposely ignores them. It was almost like his parent’s warning was an open invitation, a dare to climb atop that old brick structure and jump to the ground. Jamie answered the invitation and paid the price because no oe told him to be careful not to land on his head.

He and his siblings kept the results of his misadventure a secret for quite some time, but now that their secret is out, they all can laugh at this event together. Yes, kids will be kids, but Jamie, now a responsible adult, still has a bit of mischief in his eye!

A humorous story published by Tales2Inspire

Jamie Sadler writes humorous story for Tales2Inspire

Jamie’s story won an award in the Tales2Inspire humor category and now is published in the Crystal Collection’s first chapter: Kids Will Be Kids, Until They Grow Up and Have Kids of Their Own.

Watch this video for a good laugh about Jamie’s humorous story and the stories of four other winners in the Kids Will Be Kids category.

A lively video presentation of Jamie’s story can found on frames 0:00 – 1:21.

Jamie’s story, You Can’t Spell DON’T Without DO, is now published in Chapter One of

Tales2Inspire ~ The Crystal Collection

Stories to Tickle the Funny Bone

The #Tales2InspireCrystal Collection is filled with Stories to Tickle the Funny Bone




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