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inspiring Story of the Week – Eternally Grateful



Finalist Tales2inspire annual writers' contest

by JoAnn Jamora

Eternally Grateful is an inspiring story to give hope to any parent faced with their child’s serios illness .

As my six-year-old son climbed onto our pediatrician’s examining room table, I focused on my breathing. The doctor was normally energetic and upbeat, but today was different. As he pressed on my little boy’s belly, I watched his expression morph to one of concern. He hesitated before speaking, but my mother’s intuition had already kicked in. Somehow I knew something was terribly wrong.

I forced back moments of panic for the next several days as one technician after another guided Tyler away for test after test: x-rays, ultrasound, and finally a CT scan. I tried my best not to succumb to the fear of dreaded possibilities. After all, the word possibilities can also evoke a positive outcome, but worrisome thoughts prevailed over anything good. Was I going to lose my little boy?

Inspiring story of a mother faced with the serious illness of her child a Tales2Inspire finalist

The dreaded test results arrived, and they confirmed all that I somehow already knew. No parent should have to be faced with such news. No parent should have to watch their child undergo grueling treatments during the days, weeks, and months ahead.

But eighteen years later, I remain eternally grateful for its outcome.

Eternally Grateful is now published in

Tales2Inspire ~ The Moonstone Collection – Book 2


and also published in

Tales2Inspire ~ The Diamond Collection – Series V


2 Responses so far.

  1. Adrienne Drake says:

    Wonderful story, JoAnn. Well thought out and well written!

    • LoisWStern says:

      This story made my heart sing! Author JoAnn Jamora has given hope to other paerents faced with the critical illness of their child.

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