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Home » funny stories » HUMOROUS STORY OF THE WEEK – JUSTICE AND IRONY by Jeff Rimland




by Jeff Rimland

This is the humorous story of the day Justice met Irony.

Sometimes a humorous story has a life inspiring message. Justice and Irony is one of them.

Jeff is one of those happy commuters who lives on Long Island, but works in NYC. Like droves of others, he takes that daily two hour trek on the LIRR to get to work. Usually he catches the seven AM train to Penn Station, but on that particular day he was delayed. By the time he reached his local commuter parking garage, every parking space was occupied. He had to get to work that day as he had an important client meeting scheduled for 1:30 PM. What to do?

He drove to the train station just west of his community, hoping for the best. Then he lucked out. He spotted an unoccupied parking space, but on closer inspection realized why it remained unoccupied. The passenger side of that firetruck red Ford Explorer was way over the line, and not just by a few inches. It invaded the driver side of Jeff’s parking space by about two and a half feet.

But Jeff was so desperate that he inched his car into that spot.  Then, by turning sideways and pulling in his gut, he managed to squeeze his body through that narrow space between those two cars.

By then it was 11:00 AM and his train was scheduled to depart at 11:10. Can you picture a man in a suit carrying a flapping briefcase, running for his train in ninety-five degree heat?

Humorous story Justice and Irony- Tales2Inspire Crystal Collection

Jeff rushing to catch train


Jeff got to his office on time, only to discover that his client had called in a few minutes earlier to cancel their appointment. The rest of his work day was just as trying. But nothing matched the aggravation he met when he returned to the parking garage where he had parked his car earlier that day.

But all’s well that ends well, Jeff reminds us.  There is Justice in this world, with a whole bunch of irony.

Watch video frames 1:50 – 3:47 for more of this humorous story.

This story is now published in

Tales2Inspire ~ The Crystal Collection

(Stories that Tickle the Funny Bone)

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