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INSPIRING STORY OF THE WEEK: From Machiques To Detroit




Finalist Tales2inspire annual writers' contest

What’s the longest road trip you have ever taken? Imagine traveling all the way from the unknown town of Machiques, Venezuela to Detroit. From Machiques to Detroit is the unbelievable story of the 1947 road trip by three inexperienced adventurers pursuing their dream to meet Henry Ford and helping to promote the construction of the Panamerican Highway.

Traveling in a self-remake of a Ford Model A, the true story of the Poet, the Mechanic and the Journalist will put into perspective what it means to sacrifice everything to succeed at something.

With no money, facing wild beasts, hostile terrains, and even death, these three adventurers decided to make their dream come true while putting their hometown in the spotlight.

Going back home empty-handed was not an option. And in exchange for all their efforts, they hit the mark with the most valuable treasure you can find in this life: A great story to tell.

And no one knows it better than its author, Jorge Baboza! He’s a great story teller, whose story will inspire you too!

This story is now published in

Tales2Inspire ~ The Jade Collection

Amazong Adventure storeies now published in Tales2Inspire The Jade Collection




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