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Inspiring Story of the Week: The Last Laugh


by Ronnie Padwa-Pelie

Winner #Tales2Inspire #Inspiring Story

A devoted daughter shares the inspiring story of how she gave her mother a good laugh

during one of their last days together.

Ronnie felt sad as she watched her mother’s decline. This once lively woman now spent most of her days napping on the sofa. Her strength and vitality were just dripping away. Lung cancer, diagnosed ten months earlier, seemed to be winning. How could Ronnie create one last happy memory for her mother?

Then a brainstorm hit. She would plan an outing they could both share. But wait,  it had to be an outing that wouldn’t require her mother to expend much energy. What could that be? They had often shared food shopping chores together. What about a quick visit to the supermarket, but this time with a added twist.  Would it work?

The story of a motorized shopping cart, published in Tales2Insiure ~ The Moonstoe Collection, brings am last Laugh to mother and daughter

This is the story of an afternoon shopping expedition for mother and daughter that created happy memories for them both. It was a simple task with an added twist. It allowed  them to share fun, giggles, and camaraderie as together they selected the items for their next few meals. This  one adventure brought a treasured grin to her mother’s face. Their shared laughter on that day has remained a priceless gift for a loving daughter.

This story is now published in 

Tales2Inspire ~ The Moonstone Collection – Book 2



Tales2Inspire ~ The Diamond  Collection  – Series V


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