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Inspiring Story of the Week: A Woman of Valor



by Nancy Butler

Finalist Tales2inspire annual writers' contest

Nancy’s inspiring story is one filled with admiration for a woman named Bunny.

It would be an understatement to say that life had not been easy for Bunny. She had definitely had more than her share of difficulties. Still, she maintained a positive attitude through it all. Bunny’s mother died when she was still a child. Her step mother made life  unbearable for her. Even though Bunny was ill, she was made to quit school and work to pay for her room and board. That meant not being allowed to graduate from high school.

Bunny later married and had three children. Life looked sunny for a short while, but then her husband died at his age fifty. Ten years later she married for a second time. But shortly after that, that husband developed Alzheimer’s and died. As if that wasn’t enough hardship, Bunny then lost her sight and hearing, couldn’t walk and needed a feeding tube for nourishment.

Now what makes this an inspiring story?

With these and so many other hardships, Bunny maintained a positive attitude and outlook through it all, with a smile on her face, jokes to tell and determination to live a good life. She even learned how to walk again.

And here is the inspiring message for the rest of us: Mindset is everything, not only for maintaining good mental health, but it can also have a lot to do with a person’s physical health.

Many people prefer to be around happy upbeat people. Bunny was definitely one of those upbeat and inspiring people. And then, there is a happy ending to this story to leave us with a smile.

The #inspiring story of a woman who never gives up

A Woman of Valor is now published in

Tales2Inspire ~ The Moonstone Collection – Book 2

and also in

Tales2Inspire ~ The Diamond Collection  – Series V


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