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by Rod DiGruttolo

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Eugene and Rod ran an old fashioned type Service Station with a reputation for being honest and experts in their profession. Many of their customers had been with them for years and would often stop by just to “shoot the breeze”. 


Inspiring story of Eugene and how he recognizes a man in distress.Eugene: left Rod: right

On one hot Florida afternoon, as thundershowers gathered in the east and temperature climbed into the mid-ninety’s, an elderly gentleman strolled into their shop. He asked, “Might I get a drink of water here?” As Rod continued with his work, Eugene stopped in his tracks, bothered by somethinbg in this old man’s demeanor.

“Have you seen him before?” Rod asked.

“Not that I recall but I’m gonn’a ask if he’s lost,” said Eugene.  The concern in his voice made Rod stop what he was doing and pay attention. Eugene approached the old man and asked in his soft voice with the twang of his native West Virginia,  “Ken I help you, sir? It kinda looks like you ain’t too familiar with the area.”

The old gentleman smiled and said, “I lost my bearings a bit ago and can’t seem to see anything familiar. I’ve been wanderin’ around a bit but I’m sure I’ll see something I recognize soon.”

Eugene cocked his head and glanced toward the sky. “Looks like a bad storm comin’, best you should be inside when it hits.”

“Guess you’re right. Maybe you could just direct me to Kensington Park.”

“Kensington Park? That’s a ways off, where’s your car?”

“Oh, I wasn’t driving, I was walking. You see, I am staying in Kensington Park with my daughter and son-in-law. They’re at work and I can’t remember where either of them work.” He grinned, “Don’t have a phone number either.” 

He expained further that he decided to take a walk that morning, but must’ve taken a wrong turn. He had been wandering around ever since trying to find his way back, but nothing looked right. (That was understandable as Kensington Park was about six miles north and east of them.)

Eugene gives us a beautifully inspoiring story of how one man immediately grasped the underlying confusion of a another suffereing from Alzheimers disease, and went the extra mile to lend a helping hand.

You can read the story of Eugene, now published in

Tales2Inspire ~ The Opal Collection


The Swan is now published in

Tales2Inspire ~ The Opal Collection

Tales2Inspire ~ The Opal CollectionBUY HERE


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